Panicked so hard, it turned on their skin's RGB mode.
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Panicked so hard, it turned on their skin's RGB mode.
The humorously chaotic absurdity/obscenities are reminiscent of some of Egoraptor & Spazkid's earliest vids here on Newgrounds, but unmistakeably fresh. This'll be one of those vids YouTubers/streamers react to with dumb titles like "what did I just watch?!" for years to come, for sure.
Glad you remembered he's a mouth breather. Great work.
I want Akira Fudo to interact with Spike the Devil Man just once. Just one time; it'd be SO funny.
It would be also thanks for a new drawing idea
Burned one too many bridges, doc?
Ngl, when he powered up, before winding up his Kamehameha, I thought we were gonna get a canonized Dragon fist. Fire episode, though.
Joined on 7/16/23