
10 Art Reviews w/ Response

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So which one did you have the most fun drawing?

Theguywhodrawsalot responds:

Definitely Mojo Jojo

Yuji doing it with his hands in his pockets is the cherry on top.

cosmolonian responds:

lmao yessirr

this is actually a ref to an existing spread of sukuna

My brain initially told me that "bruh" girl had purple skin upon first reading ch. 170, but that's usually reserved less human (monstrous) looking devils, so this would probably make more sense.

SkyHawkins responds:

she could be any color honestly, we'll probably never know for sure unless the anime gets that far. That said I'm gonna take it as a brown skin W until proven otherwise

Yeah, they'd get along. I hope this friend pairing becomes as popular as Peter and Morrigan.

SuperMondoBeat responds:

Man I hope so too

Yeah, there should definitely be more jumpings in movie fight scenes nowadays. (Sure the one on one's are still good, but c'mon.)

cosmolonian responds:

YEA FR BRUH some real justice

I love it too. It's the first game that ever stopped me in my tracks and made me take in the scene for a long time. (The fish crucifixion-esque scene in the middle of the deluded depths level.)

UnderKactus responds:

The art book itself is already as good as the game, it really is very unique

When I hit my forties, I wanna be cool in the specific way he is.

kazoochachoo responds:

yea I feel you, its gonna be so awesome shuffling around in big ass clothes and making little musings that slightly annoy people

I'll admit I have a preference for her purple suits only because purple is my favorite color. Plus her boots/gloves and kitty belt really pop as opposed to the dark grey outfits.

Taskwaster responds:

Couldn't agree more. Plus the long hair :)))))))

The foreshortening on the guitar is rad. Great job.

KaporiKnight responds:

Thank you!!

From what I've gathered, the themes of Shin and Minus One are just similar enough to make people take a double take over Shin's film. Shin practically flew under the radar back in 2016. (In the west)

SanyaUmbra responds:

Oh, ok. I guess that make sense. Plus for what I understand, at least in america, Minus one also came out in theaters, so I suppose that would give it a bigger odience.
Well, good to hear it!

Joined on 7/16/23

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