The foreshortening on the guitar is rad. Great job.
The foreshortening on the guitar is rad. Great job.
Thank you!!
Kuwabara, right? Nice.
Ah, my first video game character crush. (For obvious reasons)
From what I've gathered, the themes of Shin and Minus One are just similar enough to make people take a double take over Shin's film. Shin practically flew under the radar back in 2016. (In the west)
Oh, ok. I guess that make sense. Plus for what I understand, at least in america, Minus one also came out in theaters, so I suppose that would give it a bigger odience.
Well, good to hear it!
Always happy to see more Darkstalker stuff. Makes me wanna rewatch the OVAs.
Love the face paint. A lot.
Dope. I like him.
Total Icon.
Super love that pose on the left.
I've been chuckling for ten minutes...
Joined on 7/16/23